What are the symptoms of autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social communication and behavior. The symptoms of autism can vary widely from person to person, but here are some common symptoms that individuals with autism may experience:

  1. Social communication difficulties:
  • Difficulty with nonverbal communication, such as making eye contact, facial expressions, or gestures.
  • Delayed language development or difficulty using language in a meaningful way.
  • Difficulty understanding social cues, such as humor, sarcasm, or irony.
  • Difficulty with social reciprocity or engaging in conversation.
  1. Repetitive behaviors or interests:
  • Engaging in repetitive movements or behaviors, such as hand flapping or rocking.
  • Having specific and intense interests in certain topics or objects.
  • Engaging in routines or rituals that may seem inflexible or unnecessary.
  1. Sensory processing difficulties:
  • Over- or under-sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as loud noises or certain textures.
  • Difficulty with sensory integration, which can affect balance, coordination, or spatial awareness.
  1. Other behaviors or symptoms:
  • Difficulty with transitions or changes in routine.
  • Difficulty with social play or imaginative play.
  • Unusual emotional responses or lack of emotional expression.
  • Difficulty with executive functioning, such as planning, organization, or problem-solving.

Cannon Disability Law states that early warning signs include: hysterics, aversion to touching, tiptoeing, and more.

Banner with early signs of kids autism disease. Infographics with text describing the syndromes autistic spectrum disorder in children.

It’s important to note that not everyone with autism will have all of these symptoms, and the severity of symptoms can vary widely from person to person. Additionally, many of these symptoms can also occur in other conditions or situations, so the diagnosis of autism should be made by a qualified medical professional after a thorough evaluation.

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